One of the more common conditions we’ve seen at the clinic as of late has been Plantar fascitis. Classic signs are heel pain first thing in the morning, which then improves with movement. Unfortunately, this seems to be a catch-all diagnosis for all heel pain.
Most of the patients we have seen have had the run around with a few healthcare practitioners, given all different types of orthotics, shockwave treatment, laser, ultrasound, and even surgery. Essentially, these patients had their plantar fascia beaten to hell, then were told to give the body some time to heal by stretching and resting until the pain went away. As expected, the pain always returned since the main reason WHY the plantar fascia was so angry in the first place was never even assessed.

When we move the plantar fascia is required to stabilize and support most of our body weight. In my experience, when the plantar fascia is angry it is compensating for stability that is lacking elsewhere in the body. Below are the 2 most common areas of the body that I find the plantar fascia to compensate for:

  1. Intrinsic foot muscles – we live in a world of orthotics that compensate for our compensations, and cushy shoes that make our intrinsic foot muscles very lazy. The plantar fascia may overwork to compensate.
  2. Posterior chain – problems can occur anywhere along this chain, but for example, if hip extension is lacking the plantar flexors may compensate during gait. The plantar fascia may tighten up via Windlass Mechanism.

By restoring the neural drive and stability to these areas our patients have reported of decreased pain, have been able to throw their orthotics away and return to their activities of choice.

If you are experiencing heel pain or any other kind of pain, give our clinic a call to book an assessment. Our Chartered Physiotherapists can be reached at – Kevin 0851060869 or Kelly 0852826214.

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